Handy Labor Law Allegations

Handy Labor Law Allegations

It has been reported that some former Handy house cleaners claim they were considered independent contractors instead of employees. It has been reported that being classified as an employee entitles people to employment benefits not usually offered to independent contractors. When a company has significant control over the workers and how the job gets done labor judges usually consider them employees. If you or someone you know has been classified as an independent contractor while working for Handy or any other work service, please contact us using the form on this page or call 213-212-2202.


Handy reportedly has strict rules for workers, such as requiring that cleaning work be done in a certain way, and what cleaning products must be used. It has also been alleged that workers are required to wear a Handy uniform. It has also been alleged that the company tells them when they are allowed to listen to music or go to the bathroom.
Handy is alleged to use workers as independent contractors, which is reportedly a popular method for startup companies. The use of independent contractors reportedly allows companies to keep employee costs down, which reportedly allows for heavier spending on marketing deals while they grow. In some cases, companies have allegedly forced pay below minimum wage through this method.

Independent Contractor vs. Employee

Whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor is usually determined by a number of factors. One factor for judging whether the person is an employee or independent contractor is if the company has control or the right to control the worker as to the work getting done and the way the work is performed. Other factors that may come into play are:
•If the person employed does work that is different from that of the principal
•Whether or not the work is a part of the regular business of the employer
•If the worker or the company supplies the gear, tools, and the place for the work to be done
•The alleged worker’s investment in the equipment or materials required by his or her task or his or her employment of helpers
•If the work that is done requires a special skill
•If the particular kind of work is usually done according to the rules of the employer or by a specialist without any help
•The alleged employee’s opportunity for profit or loss depending on his or her managerial ability
•The length of time that the work is to be done
•How permanent the working relationship is
•How the work is paid for, whether by time or by the job
For more on recent court rulings in independent contractor lawsuits, click here.

Please contact us

If you or someone you know has worked as an independent contractor, but should have been classified as an employee, please contact us using the form on this page or call us at 213-212-2202. You may be part of a class action lawsuit. An investigation into this matter is ongoing.

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