Evaporator Coil Settlement

Evaporator Coil Lawsuit

Lennox Industries, Inc. has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit over whether it manufactured and sold defective evaporator coils. Air conditioning systems and heat pumps use evaporator coils to cool air in homes. The primary function of an evaporator coil, which sits inside your home, is to remove heat from the air inside your home. The company has agreed to the settlement, set up by the attorneys involved, through the court to avoid the cost and risk of more lawsuits. Lennox denies all of the claims in the lawsuit.

If you are a resident of the United States who purchased at least one new uncoated copper tube Lennox, Aire-Flo, Armstrong Air, AirEase, Concord, or Ducane brand evaporator coil, between October 29, 2007 and July 9, 2015, covered by an Original Warranty (“Original Coil”), that was installed in a house for your personal, your family, or your household purposes, or a  condominium unit, apartment unit, or other residential dwelling located in the U.S. (“Settlement Class Members”), you could be included in the Settlement Class. Whether purchased as part of an air handler, or as part of an air conditioning packaged unit, the original coils may have been sold separately or in a heat pump packaged unit (“Packaged Unit”).

Background That Led To The Settlement

The Plaintiffs, or the people that brought the action in court, claim that Lennox makes and sells air conditioning systems and heat pump systems, containing defective evaporator coils that corrode and leak refrigerant, as well as handlers and packaged units. The evaporator coils, which are made using copper tubing, are claimed by the plaintiffs to be susceptible to formicary corrosion, which is caused by a chemical reaction requiring certain volatile organic compounds, water, heat, and the copper tubes, that causes microscopic tunnels to form within the tubing and the coils to leak refrigerant. Additionally, they claim that Lennox: should have informed its customers about the defective evaporator coils; should have manufactured its evaporator coils with coated copper or aluminum tubing; knew or should have known about the defective evaporator coils; and when the coils leaked, should have replaced the defective evaporator coils rather than the refrigerant in the unit. For more information on how unfair business practices harm people, click here.

Where To Go For Questions or A Claim

If you feel like you have been adversely affected by one of the products listed above, visit www.evaporatorcoillawsuit.com. If you’re unsure about whether you may have a claim, visit https://www.evaporatorcoillawsuit.com/faqs.aspx. To reach the attorneys directly, contact Kohn, Swift & Graf, P.C. at (215) 238-1700. For more information on how class action lawsuits help average people, click here.


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