Alphabetical List of Problem Medications

  • Accutane (inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Actos (increased risk of bladder cancer)
  • Advil – Ibuprofen (SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome)
  • Avandia (heart failure, hepatitis, fracture risk)
  • Avelox (tendon rupture)
  • Bextra (Stevens Johnson Syndrome)
  • Celexa Heart Birth Defects (in newborn)
  • Celexa (linked to PPHN)
  • Chantix Suicide (suicidal behavior)
  • Children’s Motrin (SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome)
  • Cipro (tendon rupture)
  • Daypro (SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome)
  • Depakote (birth defects)
  • DePuy Metal Hip Replacement (defective product)
  • Dilantin (SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome)
  • Effexor Heart Defects (in newborn babies)
  • Effexor (linked to PPHN)
  • Fentanyl (defective pain patches, Duragesic)
  • Fosamax (bone fractures and ONJ)
  • Heparin (IV and syringe contamination)
  • Januvia (cancer side effects)
  • Ketek (SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome)
  • Levaquin (ruptured tendon)
  • Lexapro Heart Birth Defect (in newborn)
  • Lexapro (linked to PPHN)
  • Meridia Sibutramine (serious contraindications)
  • Micardis (causing cancer)
  • MRI Health Risks (gadolinium contrast agents)
  • Paxil Birth Defects (and infant death)
  • Paxil Heart Defects (in newborns)
  • Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI fractures)
  • Prozac Heart Birth Defects (in the newborn)
  • Prozac (linked to PPHN)
  • Resperdal (side effects)
  • Seroquel (linked to diabetes)
  • SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome (deadly skin inflammation)
  • SSRI Birth Defects (heart and lung defects)
  • Xarelto/Rivaroxaban (various bleeding events)
  • Yasmin, Yaz and Ocella (blood clots, stroke and gallbladder)
  • Zoloft Heart Defects (in newborns)
  • Zoloft (linked to PPHN)
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